Take a look at our product feature to get a glance on what we have to offer you.

Filter on Resource Type

Determine what resource types you want to backup or recover.

Rename Resources

Rename resources during the backup process or during recovery.

Update Properties

Update for instance the a region or an IP address.

Create dependencies

During preparation you define dependencies between resource groups. This way you make sure  resources are deployed before others get deployed which depend on them.

Backups are Secure

As customers only have read-access to the backup resources, also hackers are not able to manipulate them.

Automated Testing

Configuration prepared for recovery can be fully tested automatically on a daily basis.

Monitored Backups

When backups are disabled a monitoring system will notify you. Notifications like this will hint you that a hacker active within your environment.

Configuration Portal

A fully fledged web application will help you prepare your configuration for one or multiple recovery scenarios.

Multiple Scenarios

Create recovery scenarios for different environments, regions, workloads, single applications or even separate resources.

Determine Sync Level

The sync level configuration determines whether all resources within a resource group will get processed or only the selected resources. 

Management Groups

Process management groups to set up the recovered environment.


Detailed reports for backup and recovery processes.

Role Based Access Control

Backup RBAC for Group permissions on resource groups and resources to be able to access and manage the recovered resources.

Azure Policies

Make sure the same policies apply to your new environment in order to govern it from the start.

Create Groups

Ability to create groups in the target environment to apply the RBAC policies to.